NEW Online Workshop

The Mortgage Business Blueprint

Get the proven blueprint to write $100M+ a year in loans... and have your business run without you.

Real business strategies for high performing mortgage brokers.

MFAA and FBAA Approved for 2 CPD Hours.


Simplify... and succeed.

We understand the industry can make it hard, overwhelming, even confusing for brokers to succeed.

On top of limited time, growing compliance requirements and changing market conditions...

It's not uncommon for brokers to think, this is just how it is.

We're here to change that.

The reality is... business is simple.

When you cut through the noise and focus on the strategies that actually make a difference.

And we're going to show you how.

You'll learn proven business strategies that work for successful brokers. Including how to:

  • Write $100M+ a year in loans
  • Develop systems to get tasks out of your head and off your to do list
  • Build your A-Team so you can get more done with less headaches; and
  • Take time off without checking emails, answering your phone or worrying about going out of business.

All of this is achievable.

But most brokers never get there.

Most brokers are making things harder than they need to be.

Imagine following a simple system that is proven to build a successful and sustainable mortgage business?

Well... we've built it.

It's taken us over 15 years, working with hundreds of brokers from around Australia and New Zealand, in the trenches for over 7,000 hours helping them, to know what works and what doesn't.

You don't have the time to figure out what you should do, when you should do it... and how you should do it.

Instead, we can just show you in our new workshop...

The Mortgage Business Blueprint

Here's what other brokers are saying...

"I thought I was customer focused but after today I think I’m focused on the business the most." - Brandon

"First PD session I’ve felt personally developed by in a while." - Zoe

"Thank you guys. I have certainly found this more useful and insightful than others I have spoken with." - Cameron

"Looking at my business from the outside has been illuminating - thank you." - Sue

"This was an INCREDIBLE session." - Sarthak

"Thanks for today, super impressive and interesting." - Mark

Here's what we cover.

  • The Mortgage Business Blueprint. That our clients across Australia and New Zealand are using right now to 2X, 5X and even 10X their loan volume... working less.
  • The 3 Scale Stoppers. That prevent 99% of brokers from building a business that runs without them. You must know these so you can escape (or prevent) them from keeping you stuck.
  • The Experience Driven Framework. The framework most brokers miss that keeps them stuck and unable to grow. We will show you the most effective way to scale your mortgage business.
  • The Scale System. The 3-part strategy you need to build a successful mortgage business that runs without you. It's responsible for mortgage brokers growing by up to 1000%.
  • Your Ideal Business. Map out your ideal business vision and reverse engineer how to achieve it (this is surprisingly simple, but the most powerful thing all brokers must do).
  • And More. Revealed during the live workshop, including real case studies that will transform the way you think, act and scale your mortgage business.

Join us and discover the real business strategies helping hundreds of brokers scale their mortgage business.

Our next live online workshop details are below.

Secure your ticket and we'll see you there...

Key details and tickets.

Next live workshop:

  • Friday 17th November 2023
  • 10:00 AM - 12:00 PM Sydney time
  • Live Online via Zoom
  • Tickets just $97 (AUD inc GST)
  • Use NOV50 to claim your $50 discount

Ticket sales closing:


Purchase ticket below:


Your ticket includes:

  • Live Online Access to the interactive workshop (plus a full recording made available after)
  • Mortgage Business Multiplier Session with a BIG Growth Coach (private 45-min one-on-one)
  • Digital Attendee Pack with bonus materials to maximise the workshop and get started
  • 2 CPD Hours approved by the MFAA and FBAA (codes sent via email after the event)
  • Our Guarantee this will be the most valuable workshop ever... or 100% of your money back
  • Secure Order via Trybooking online ticket system... keeping your details safe and sound
  • Australian Tax Invoice for your records, that includes GST in Australia

For help please call Broker Ideas Group on +61 3 8362 3357 or email us

Does this sound like you?

  • You want to take real time off from your business. Have the freedom to travel. Spend time with family. Pursue other interests without feeling guilty or stressed. Or like you have to check your phone every 15 minutes.
  • You want to wake up excited to work with your favourite clients. Do work you're passionate about. Like building relationships, supporting your team and making a real impact in people's lives.
  • You want to have your business provide financial security. A business that gives you the freedom to make choices and live the life you want. Generate enough to meet obligations and create wealth.
  • You want a system that simply works. Is easy to put in place... and produces consistent, predictable results. One that works for you and not the other way around. And gives you more time and energy.
  • You want to achieve the success you've been chasing. You know you can achieve the success you see other brokers create. You want more flexibility and the ability to make a greater impact... with your family, clients and more.
  • You want the smart and simple path to business success. You want to reach your goals faster. Without having to figure it all out on your own. You want to know what you're doing is efficient and sustainable.. and the fastest way to create your ideal business.

The Mortgage Business Blueprint is the answer you've been looking for. Ditch the tips and tricks... and focus on the one proven system that works.

Simple system. Next level results.

Don't miss this opportunity to discover how to grow your business easier and faster.

What brokers say about us.

Nicole Cannon

Sydney, Australia

A broker for 19 years, Nicole was stuck and unable to propel her business forward. THE10XBROKER helped her identify roadblocks and implement systems and team to solve them, within 9 months she was lodging $10M+ each month.

Ryan Baddock

Toowoomba, Australia

Ryan was following the same pattern of working hard for inconsistent results year after year. THE10XBROKER has supported Ryan in building a genuine business with consistent and diverse lead flow, robust workflows and processes, and effective HR systems. He now works less, writes $100M per year and has built life-long friends.

Ben White

Sydney, Australia

Since joining THE10XBROKER in 2019, Ben has implemented systems, technology, staffing, and processes, growing his business year-on-year by 60%, 110%, and then 180%. His business is now more bulletproof, able to handle growth, as well as providing a 6-star performance to clients.

Mark Kevin

Sydney, Australia

With the help of THE10XBROKER, Mark has built his business from $1-2M per month to $100M in the first full financial year. The value he gets from the coaching, the community and professional development is second-to-none and THE10XBROKER will be a long term partner for his continue business growth and success.

Tim Cavanagh

Perth, Australia

With THE10XBROKER, Tim and his business partner went from struggling to make their business plans happen, to building an efficient and automated process, clear roles for their growing team and a strong customer proposition. Achieving an 3x increase in their results in 18-months, they are now ready to 'press the button' and scale significantly.

Corey Goldby

New South Wales, Australia

Corey wasn't writing enough to support his family and he struggled with visibility of workflows in his business. THE10XBROKER gave him the confidence in himself to take the scary steps needed build his ideal business. The business model and systems he installed have taken him from $1.5-$2M per month, to $10M+ per month with far less reliance on him.

Nadia Davison

Melbourne, Australia

The Accelerate Key Partners program gave Nadia the structure and support she needed to get out of her comfort zone, build momentum and consistently work ON her business. She established two strong referral partnerships and now has confidence in and appreciation of the true value she provides - both to her partners and clients.

Nicole Kennedy

WA, Australia

THE10XBROKER helped Nicole move from overwhelm to setting her business up for 3-month off each year, writing $6-7M per month. She loves bouncing ideas and appreciates the tailored support to build her ideal business.

Giorgio Stefanatos

Melbourne, Australia

Georgio was a solo operator writing less than $2M per month with no support - but he knew he needed a coach. With the help of THE10XBROKER, in just over 12-months he brought on two support staff and systemised his whole process. Georgio is now freed up to focus on business growth and wrote $13M in the last two months.

Ezabella Ghaly

Sydney, Australia

Through the Accelerate Key Partners Program (formerly FBA Program), Ezabella has established a process that works to build and embed new referral partnerships on demand. Now she is receiving referrals every week and is moving from broking as a day-to-day job to a real business.

Sarah Hudson

Melbourne, Australia

Before joining us, Sarah struggled to get enough leads to build her business. Since completing the Accelerate Key Partners program she is now busy with clients from her four new referral partnerships. The accountability and support received from her coach was key to Sarah's success.

Hardik Patel

Adelaide, Australia

Hardik used the support of his coach and took consistent action in the Accelerate Key Partners program to form four new referral partnerships and install the Trusted Advisor sales process. He is now consistently growing his business with weekly warm referrals and increased conversions.

Timothy Bertrand

Sydney, Australia

The Accelerate Key Partners Program gave Tim the structures and support needed to establish three key referrers in three months. He loved the genuine support he received from his coach and the group.

Yan Huang

Auckland, New Zealand

Yan was new to industry and stuck in lockdown in Auckland. Despite these challenges, Yan used our Accelerate Key Partners strategy and the accountability provided by his coach to establish 3 Key Partners sending him new business.

Domarina Pireh

Sydney, Australia

Since joining THE10XBROKER, Domi is working less, is relaxed, and has doubled her business. She now has the ability to structure herself, her time, and how she trains staff. With systems in place she has time to work on the business and prioritise where her time is spent.

Paul Zahra

Melbourne, Australia

Tripled revenue and doubled profit. THE10XBROKER helped Paul create a clear strategy to attract his target clients and to build his brand, reputation and referral partnerships.

Chris Godwin

Sydney, Australia

Chris’s business was chaotic and lacking in systems and processes. THE10XBROKER provided him with the framework and support to transform his business from unpredictable to structured; build inflow systems and a team; and drive consistent results.

Beryl Colley

Lower Hutt, New Zealand

Was stuck and getting complacent after 17 years in the industry. THE10XBROKER opened her to a world of new ideas and industry connections. Beryl has gone from old-school to implementing a fully online and automated marketing and client follow-up system in a matter of months using the THE10XBROKER strategies.

Meet the industry experts.

Broker Ideas Group was established in 2008 by industry stalwart, James Veigli.

Today we are an award winning team supporting and leading the professional development and business growth of mortgage brokers across Australia and New Zealand.

From start-ups to top-performers, we help mortgage brokers grow their businesses easier and faster using our proven methods... based on decades of industry experience, thousands of coaching hours, and data driven best practice.

In short: we've been there and done that. We get results.

  • 100% BUILT by and for mortgage brokers.
  • BILLIONS added to broker books in Australia and NZ.
  • AWARD WINNING support and training for brokers.
  • 50+ BROKERS @ $100M+ run-rate and growing.
  • THOUSANDS of hours coaching and training.
  • APPROVED by MFAA and FBAA for CPD Hours.

Answers to common questions.

Will this work for me?

Yes - but with one important caveat. You must take action, continue to learn and implement the strategies in your business. This is not a magic pill or quick fix.

How does this online workshop work?

This is a live and interactive online workshop, run using Zoom video conference. You will receive a unique access link via email, plus a Digital Attendee Pack including all the worksheets and tools needed to maximise the workshop.

My business is already successful. Should I attend?

This works for any mortgage business. We work with brokers and broker-businesses ranging from $20M to $200M+ in annual settlements. Regardless of your current volume, this will 100% add huge value to your business.  

What time does the workshop start and finish?

The live workshop room will open at 9:45 AM, and we will kick-off at 10:00 AM sharp. We will finish by 12:00 PM. All times are in Sydney, Australia time.  

Is this mostly theory or practical?

You will complete practical exercises on the day. We only teach proven strategies that are working right now for our members.  

Why isn't this workshop free?

Because this workshop includes our key IP and the proven strategies that are normally only available to our paying members.

What if I have another question?

Please get in touch and we are happy to answer any and all questions you have. You can;

  • Phone +61 3 8362 3357 or
  • Email

What's included in the ticket price?

Full online access to the Live Workshop, including Digital Attendee pack. A 45 minute Mortgage Business Multiplier Session with a Growth Coach. A full replay of the event. 2 CPD Hours... and more.

Does this work in any country?

We are based in Australia and have worked with mortgage businesses internationally since 2008. This workshop is relevant for brokers in Australia and New Zealand. 

Can my business partner attend to?

Yes. Business partners or key people involved with strategy, planning and the direction of your business should attend. Each ticket includes online access for one person. Please purchase additional tickets for business partners, because they will need their own unique access link to join. 

Will I learn anything or is this just a sales pitch?

There is nothing for sale at this workshop. This workshop is 100% high-value content that will give you clarity on exactly what you need to do to hit your goals.  

What if I buy a ticket and can't attend?

If you cannot attend or miss the event, you will have access to a full replay of the event.

Is this workshop approved for CPD hours?

Yes, this workshop is approved for 2 CPD Hours by both the MFAA and FBAA. We'll send you the codes via email after the event.

Is this a multi-speaker event?

No! The last thing you need is another multi-speaker event, full of top-brokers and out-of-industry guru's... that give you some tips but nothing concrete. This event is 100% delivered by the Broker Ideas Group team, who are the secret weapon behind some of the fastest growing mortgage businesses in Australia and New Zealand.